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Birthday Weekend – £3k Giveaway
Date(s) - 28/11/2014 - 29/11/2014
9:00 pm - 3:00 am
Home Lincoln
It’s our birthday and we are throwing one hell of a birthday weekend party and you are invited. Tonight we have a massive £3k giveaway…There’s gonna be some very excited and happy people in Lincoln tonight!
If you are serious about having a top night out there really is no competition…There’s no place like home.
Join thousands of gorgeous people in Lincolnshire’s no1 entertainment venue.
6 Rooms jam packed full of the ultimate atmosphere and music featuring :
‘The Main Arena’ – Dance & RnB anthems…CO2 Cannons…Lasers…Pyro’s.
‘The Studio’ – Party anthems on our giant flashing dancefloor…It’s 60′s-90′s All Night!
‘The Loft’ – House anthems with guest DJ’s
‘The Lounge’ – Live musicians all night.
Its FREE ENTRY before 11pm or you can prebuy your Fast track tickets here…Come straight to the front. https://www.lincolntickets.co.uk/events/570/homes-birthday-weekend-3k-giveaway/
If you require access to our exclusive VIP suite please call 0800 043 4663 or email bookings@homelincoln.co.uk
Come and Join the party celebrations.